Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan on Friday appealed for immediate talks with state officials.
“I would like to appeal for talks, because what is currently happening is not a solution,” Imran said in a live talk streamed on YouTube, warning that the country was headed towards anarchy. He said he only wanted to talk to take the country out of the current crisis. He claimed that “there is no plan to hold elections”. “[They] plan to hold elections after crushing Imran Khan and the PTI.” Imran Khan said people are not out in the streets in Pakistan because they have their hopes pinned on elections. “[People] are sitting angry at homes, with the thought that they will teach them [ruling opposition] a lesson when elections are held.”
Imran Khan called on the nation and his party workers to exhibit patience, saying that people being made to quit the party would not bring it to an end. “A party comes to an end when its vision comes to an end. The PDM parties are before you, they are helping the establishment, the election commission and administration are with them so why are they scared of elections? because their vote bank has finished. “The PTI’s vote bank keeps increasing the more injustice they’re doing.”
“This is a war for Pakistan. Don’t destroy the country in trying to eliminate the PTI.
“If we don’t take the steps now then it will reach that point where no one will be able to do anything. The whole salaried class will rise up in a short while when their stoves don’t turn on and their purchasing ability continues decreasing.” Imran Khan said society “explodes” when conditions become such, adding that is why he was stressing on talks. “Now is the time. The country will sort out when all its institutions sit down together with the biggest federal party and try to find solution to problems.” He added, “I appeal that talks be held immediately as what is being done is not a solution. I am explaining this because whenever I speak about holding talks, police arrive outside.”
Imran Khan said Bangladesh has moved far beyond Pakistan and there is a lesson that needs to be learned from the country. “When a nation decides on freedom and its rights … when justice settles in people’s hearts … then whatever you do, even military operations, it doesn’t get out of their hearts. “Because the seed of justice and freedom is within us.” Imran, addressing “the decision-makers” in the country, has said that Pakistan is “heading towards destruction”. “They (an apparent reference to the ruling coalition) have no roadmap. The more time you are giving, the country is seeing a decline.” “We should understand that if we don’t correct it then the [situation] is about to get out of everyone’s hand. “Society gets out of control. Conditions were less [dire] in Sri Lanka when its people came to the streets. Why haven’t the people come out yet? Because they are hoping for elections … here there is no plan for elections. “Here the plan is for elections when Imran Khan is crushed and he is being crushed. This kind of violence on us has never happened with any party before and the thinking behind it is that when this party is crushed then elections will be held.”