The Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Syndesis Health Inc., USA, for “Genomic Sequencing Programs”. The MoU will provide a broad framework for collaborative activities aimed at providing better healthcare to the citizens, supporting curative drugs development, and devising guidelines to help in managing pharmaceutical products.
Ambassador Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, Executive Director COMSATS, and Mr. Kamil Mehmood, Co-Founder & Director Syndesis Health Inc., signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations. The signing ceremony held at COMSATS Secretariat in Islamabad was participated by Heads / Representatives of diplomatic missions of COMSATS’ Member States in Islamabad, Secretary Incharge Ministry of Science & Technology – focal ministry of the host country for COMSATS, Mr. Usman Akhtar Bajwa, senior officials of relevant ministries, as well as representatives from print and electronic media.
Addressing the participants, the Executive Director COMSATS threw light on the agreement and its prospects for research, impact on the industrial sector, and economy. The MOU was a manifestation of a mutual desire on both sides to support each other in the endeavours towards keeping pace with the rapid development in the field of S&T, particularly ensuring better healthcare for all through effective utilization of modern-day technologies. The Director of Syndesis Health Inc., Mr. Kamil, while highlighting the activities and achievements of his organization, assured full support to COMSATS in implementing the related programs.
Ambassador Zakaria and Mr. Mehmood briefed the media and the distinguished participants on how the collaboration would utilize the latest technological know-how for strengthening the healthcare sector, reducing healthcare costs, and contributing to the national economy.